Part & Item Customization & Integration Options

Supplios offers a variety of customization and integration features to help you manage the parts and items that you buy from your suppliers.

The availability of these features varies based on the modules and plan your company has purchased. If you are not sure if these features are available in your account, please contact the Supplios sales or support teams.

Here’s a summary of some of the customization and integration options available for Parts & Items:

Custom Fields

Customize fields to track important information, such as target price, current price, and unit of measure.

Part/Item Versions / Revisions

Manage different versions or revisions of parts/items to keep track of changes and updates over time and match with other version control systems you use, such as PLM or ERP systems.

ERP/PLM Integration / Master Data Sync

Integrate with ERP/PLM systems to keep part master data consistent across platforms.

Part-data sync can be 2-way, 1-way, handled in batches, or fetched on demand. This data can be useful to pre-populate things in Supplios when adding a part to an RFQ or Quality Claim, and can also be used for doing price analysis, quality trend analysis, or other analysis work.

Part-Level Compliance Tracking

Track compliance with regulations like RoHS, REACH, WEEE, HF, etc. (Coming soon, custom implemented)

Part-level vendor-specific compliance can also be implemented to track RoHS, REACH, etc. on a per-vendor, per-part basis for multi-sourced scenarios.

Feel free to reach out to the Supplios team to learn more about this topic.

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