Managing Multiple Accounts with a Single Email in Supplios: A Guide for Internal Users and Suppliers

This guide is for internal users who need to invite multiple users with the same email address to different accounts within the Supplios platform.

How do you invite users with the same email?

To invite more users with the same email address, you can use the “Add Contact” button from two places:

Contacts Page (See image below.)

Vendor Page (See image below.)


Attempting to add multiple users with the same email for a single company is not possible and will result in an error message.

Managing Multiple Users Under a Single Email Address in Supplios

You can copy paste this link and sent to your suppliers for a dedicated guide made for them:

How to manage multiple accounts with the same email

How to Manage Multiple Users and Accounts in Supplios (Suppliers)

This guide is for supplier users who need to manage multiple accounts within the Supplios platform with the same email. It provides an overview of how to navigate between accounts, switch accounts, and how to do this most efficiently.

How it looks

When you are invited to multiple supplier accounts as the same user, the profile page displays a list of active accounts associated with your user. See image below.

How it works

To navigate to a specific supplier dashboard, select the desired supplier from the list. (See image below.)

How you change account

When logged in as a supplier, a top purple bar will display the current account you are logged into. See image below.

In the top bar, to switch to another company, click the 'Click here to change accounts' button. This action will take you to the user selector page, which lists all available companies within the current tenant. Select the desired company from the list to switch accounts. See image below.

Note: Working with Multiple Browser Tabs

It is currently not possible to work with multiple browser tabs within the same tenant. Only one active company per tenant is allowed. If multiple tabs with different companies are opened, the platform will display a modal allowing the selection of which user should remain active.

Please do not hesitate to use the in-app "Help" widget if you have questions or feedback about the platform. The Supplios Supplier Support team is available when needed.

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